Treat Your Fascia

Treat Your Fascia And Start Living A Pain-Free Life

It is believed that fascia can contribute to muscle pains that is why its treatment became a worldwide phenomenon. There is still an ongoing debate regarding this matter, but those who have tried fascial manipulation can attest that since they tried using fasciablaster, they started living a pain-free life. If you are interested to know more about this, then you have come to the right place.

What is Fascia Manipulation?

Fascia manipulation is the technique used to loosen the fascia by pressure and physical manipulation. Pain associated with fascia includes fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, lower back pains, and plantar fasciitis. And because of the popularity of this method, it became a trending topic worldwide in the health and wellness industry.

A very popular fascia manipulation is fascia blasting. This technique uses a tool called fascia blaster that is specifically designed and created to loosen the fascia. The tool is meant to help reduce pain and most importantly, cellulite.

fascial manipulation

How Fascia Causes Cellulite

Cellulite looks like an orange peel characterized by dimpled and bumpy skin texture. Cellulite can mostly be found on the hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and breast regions. This happens when a part of the skin is being pulled down by the fibrous connective bands that attach the skin to the muscles. Because of this, the skin becomes dimpled because fat cells are deposited between the bands.

Understanding How Fascia Blasting Works

As mentioned, fascia blasting is one form of fascial manipulation. This uses a plastic tool called the fascia blaster. Ashley Black was the first one who invented this tool. It’s like a long stick that has claws or ‘feet’ attached to it. The fascia blaster became a very popular device that is why many companies have also started to make their own version of the tool. Some people call this “fascia massage sticks” while others refer to this as the “cellulite blasters.”

The Fascia Blasting Process

Once your body is warmed up by a hot shower, you should apply oil on the area that you will be working on. Then using the device, gently rub it onto your skin in a scrubbing motion for 2 two 5 minutes per area of the body. Then, repeat the process until every area with cellulite that you want to work on gets rubbed by the fascia blaster. For beginners, it is advised to do this for less than a minute to give it a try. See how your body responds to the device and proceed from there.

Aside from pain relief, there are so many benefits that you can enjoy with fascia blasting. That includes achieving a firmer skin, reduced muscle, and joint pains, as well as improved appearance of the cellulite. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get your fascia blaster soon and see if this works with your cellulite.

Black Diamond, a bison in New York Zoo. Previous post The Old and Unique Interest Of People
Yourself With FasciaBlaster Next post A More Relaxed Version Of Yourself With FasciaBlaster