Journey Of Pastor Norman Quintero To Qualify For Elections
While contesting in the elections, the candidates must have a clean record and celebrated status. They must be trustworthy to defend and secure the citizens whose future lies in their decisions. The election boards and commissions have through checking of the background, criminal records and the income sources of every contesting candidate to make sure to topple the frauds. Every year for any state or county elections, several people contest, but some are picked out due to their blotted past that restricts them from contesting. One such incident was with the famous Pastor Norman Quintero, who claimed to be one of the learned pastors and therapists. Many people were his regular clients and had experienced his appointments and service. It was quite a shock for many clients when the judicial law broke out the news about him.
Why Was Quintero Pointed Out?
The self-proclaiming pastor, real estate dealer, broker, and attorney Quintero was in public interaction and various professions. He was arrested and tried by the courts several times but never falsely claimed the licence or authority for any job. He was reported for tormenting and blackmailing by his therapy clients and one of his employee. He also faced charges for domestic violence by his family and false property acquisition.
While being an attorney, he was found illegally duping the immigrants for tons of cash. Later he denied having a licence to practice law and promised to stop the trade.
Although this was the darker side of the past, Pastor Norman Quintero flaunts his good deeds in charity and spiritual help. He set up a food bank for the needy and homeless, provides mental charity services across the region and even gifts toys for poor children. Many of his accusations were claimed by him as false as they weren’t proved and punished by the court. With this effort and positive claims, he stands front to fight in the elections rightfully.