Yourself With FasciaBlaster

A More Relaxed Version Of Yourself With FasciaBlaster

What is fascia blasting?

The band of connective tissue under the skin that attaches, stabilizes, and separates muscles, bones, and internal organs from one another is called fascia. Fascia manipulation is a kind of therapy that helps to reduce restrictions and densification of the fascia tissue. Fascia blasting is a form of fascia manipulation that helps to alleviate the stiffness of the fascia and pain that comes with inactivity. This method involves the use of a FasciaBlaster – a white plastic stick with attachments that are rubbed on the affected area for 3 to 5 minutes.

Benefits of fascia blasting

Benefits of fascia blasting

  • Reduced cellulite
  • Less muscle pain
  • Less joint pain
  • Increased circulation
  • Firmer skin

In 2019, Ashley Black, the inventor of the FasciaBlaster conducted a study with 33 women with thigh cellulite. The participants were asked to use the product 5 days a week for 12 weeks on their thighs. Their thigh fat was also simultaneously measured. After 12 weeks, the researchers reported that a reduction in cellulite was observed. They said that fascia manipulation helps cellulite by “freeing the fat cells from the fibrous bands.”

New users are advised to start using the product at their own pace as it may cause bruising. Black mentioned that easing into the treatment helps to reduce the bruising. She said that using it is like exercising and results can be observed only when used regularly. Whilst the users may notice an increase in blood flow and flexibility, the results may be evident only after a few weeks, or months in some cases.

Things to remember

The most important thing to remember before opting to try fascia blasting would be to consult your doctor. Some users may experience some side-effects so the user must be sure that this is the method for them. Users must also remember that cellulite is normal, but if it affects their confidence, the FasciaBlaster may be of good use, that is, besides its pain-relieving properties. Black also suggests alternatives like stretching and massage.

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